☆ Jessie ☆ @sillytuxcat · May 13 2024 4:51 PM
Our Internet is having issues, I haven't been able to go online since this morning 😭 fortunately I still had the tab with the code for this page open so I just copy and pasted it into notepad so rn I'm typing this up there and I'll add any new subsequent posts to the actual site once I'm online again.


In lieu of no Internet I've been playing New Horizons all day and fucking around with terraforming and waterscaping, I spruced up my museum entrance and I think it looks pretty nice but I'll probably end up fucking with it more later on. I have no idea what my island layout is going to be rn, I'd like to start planning it out. There's a 3D island planner for New Horizons so I'll def be taking a look at that.

That's about it for now. I haven't been taking care of myself the best because I felt like total shit for a whole week because I am not used to having my period again (I started taking meds to regulate my hormones because I don't normally have periods without it) so I'm going to take this opportunity to take care of myself a little bit. I've been so focused on HTML/CSS that I've neglected some of my basic needs oops